#include #include void print_in_middle(WINDOW *win, int starty, int startx, int width, char *string, chtype color); int main() { FIELD *field[3]; FORM *my_form; WINDOW *my_form_win; int ch, rows, cols; /* Initialize curses */ initscr(); start_color(); cbreak(); noecho(); keypad(stdscr, TRUE); /* Initialize few color pairs */ init_pair(1, COLOR_RED, COLOR_BLACK); /* Initialize the fields */ field[0] = new_field(1, 10, 6, 1, 0, 0); field[1] = new_field(1, 10, 8, 1, 0, 0); field[2] = NULL; /* Set field options */ set_field_back(field[0], A_UNDERLINE); field_opts_off(field[0], O_AUTOSKIP); /* Don't go to next field when this */ /* Field is filled up */ set_field_back(field[1], A_UNDERLINE); field_opts_off(field[1], O_AUTOSKIP); /* Create the form and post it */ my_form = new_form(field); /* Calculate the area required for the form */ scale_form(my_form, &rows, &cols); /* Create the window to be associated with the form */ my_form_win = newwin(rows + 4, cols + 4, 4, 4); keypad(my_form_win, TRUE); /* Set main window and sub window */ set_form_win(my_form, my_form_win); set_form_sub(my_form, derwin(my_form_win, rows, cols, 2, 2)); /* Print a border around the main window and print a title */ box(my_form_win, 0, 0); print_in_middle(my_form_win, 1, 0, cols + 4, "My Form", COLOR_PAIR(1)); post_form(my_form); wrefresh(my_form_win); mvprintw(LINES - 2, 0, "Use UP, DOWN arrow keys to switch between fields"); refresh(); /* Loop through to get user requests */ while((ch = wgetch(my_form_win)) != KEY_F(1)) { switch(ch) { case KEY_DOWN: /* Go to next field */ form_driver(my_form, REQ_NEXT_FIELD); /* Go to the end of the present buffer */ /* Leaves nicely at the last character */ form_driver(my_form, REQ_END_LINE); break; case KEY_UP: /* Go to previous field */ form_driver(my_form, REQ_PREV_FIELD); form_driver(my_form, REQ_END_LINE); break; default: /* If this is a normal character, it gets */ /* Printed */ form_driver(my_form, ch); break; } } /* Un post form and free the memory */ unpost_form(my_form); free_form(my_form); free_field(field[0]); free_field(field[1]); endwin(); return 0; } void print_in_middle(WINDOW *win, int starty, int startx, int width, char *string, chtype color) { int length, x, y; float temp; if(win == NULL) win = stdscr; getyx(win, y, x); if(startx != 0) x = startx; if(starty != 0) y = starty; if(width == 0) width = 80; length = strlen(string); temp = (width - length)/ 2; x = startx + (int)temp; wattron(win, color); mvwprintw(win, y, x, "%s", string); wattroff(win, color); refresh(); } /* author: Gustavo Sverzut Barbieri (http://www.gustavobarbieri.com.br) */